Elevation Mindset Specialists

Mark Matejik

Ordained Minister, Coach, Speaker, Global Leadership Trainer, and Healing Evangelist

Mark has spent much of his notable career as a top sales executive and trainer nationwide with outstanding results. As a personal coach, catalyst, and consultant to businesses, nonprofits, and chief executives, Mark teaches others how to think and live like a super-high achiever.

In addition, he teams up with his wife, Helen, to help entrepreneurs and various Christian ministers and ministries elevate their teams and/or staff for greater success. Together their mission is to empower emerging leaders to walk as Kingdom men and women full of Kingdom faith operating in Kingdom dominion and power so that they “rise and shine” in all that God has for them. They are called to bring many sons and daughter to Glory according to Hebrews 2:10.

Specialties: Business Insights, connecting, coaching winning teams, consultative selling, customer satisfaction, helping clients, marrying leaders, qualifying prospects, presentation skills, producing top producers, senior exec conversations, territory management & win-win negotiations.

Helen Matejik

Global Elevation Faith Specialist

Helen helps Christian women live elevated, emboldened, edified, and energized lives to discover and activate their unique God-given purpose and pursue their dreams.

Helen helps Christian women live elevated, emboldened, edified, and energized lives as they discover and activate their God-given purpose and pursue their dreams. Her clients
experience renewed hope, spiritual renewal, an awakened sense of purpose, and passion for life. She believes every woman is "Born for Kingdom Greatness." Every woman has a unique call from God on her life that only she can fulfill.

Helen is an Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and has worked in ministry for over 35 years in various capacities and across denominational lines. Her deep walk with God and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit have drawn many leaders seeking wisdom, guidance, restoration, and inspiration.

She and her husband, Mark, are Elevation Mindset Specialists with an additional certification in personality insights and human behavior.

Together, they help entrepreneurs and various Christian ministers and ministries elevate their teams for tremendous success. Their mission is to empower emerging leaders to walk as Kingdom men and women full of Kingdom faith operating in Kingdom dominion and power so that they “rise and shine” in all that God has for them. They are called to bring many sons and daughters to Glory, according to Hebrews 2:10.

Here are the reasons you can depend on Helen and Mark Matejik to help you overcome and win big so you can receive empowering results:

  • REPUTABLE– Helen and Mark Matejik has been around since 1992, respected leaders in their field and community.

  • EXPERIENCED– Our proudest accomplishment is the large number of long term clients who put their trust in us year after year.

  • INTEGRITY–Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. We don’t believe in cutting corners. The foundation of our reputation is our commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching.

  • RESOURCES–We offer a wide variety of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results.

  • CUSTOMIZABLE–All of our curriculum can be customized to specifically address your individual and organizational needs.

  • 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE– We want you to be completely satisfied with our services. We will do whatever it takes to make you happy. No hassles, no problems.

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Born For Kingdom Greatness:

5 Ancient Secrets to Elevate Your Life

& Walk in Purpose

by Helen Matejik

This e-Booklet is one of Helen Matejik's most popular publications, available for free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:

  • How to Elevate and Activate Your Kingdom Purpose

  • How to Live an Elevated Lifestyle

  • How to Hear God's Voice More Clearly

  • How to Release Your Kingdom Potential

  • How to Trust God's All Sufficiency in Your Insufficiency


Rita Carll

Peabody, MA

I thank God for Coach Helen! I was struggling with uncertainty concerning vision, purpose, and direction. Coach Helen helped me to recognize what God was already speaking to me and opened me up to ideas and resources for accomplishing these things.

Today I am more confident, focused, and equipped going forward. If you are struggling with uncertainty or need a push to go forward, Coach Helen is perfect! She doesn’t think for you but have you fully engaged in the process.

Thanks, Coach Helen!"

Deborah Michel


"I began working with Helen in May of 2022. During an “Elevation Empowerment Session” to determine where I was spiritually, Helen shared her desire to help women rediscover their true spiritual identity and begin operating in it. I told her “sign me up” as one of her first clients! At that time, I was struggling with feelings of having lost ground in my spiritual walk — not necessarily my relationship with the Lord; but how I operated personally in that relationship. Since the loss of my husband in 2009; it seemed that I had left behind some of the rich and intimate walk I had experienced with Jesus in the past. My spiritual life was more on automatic pilot, and I wanted to regain what I had “lost.”

Helen helped me work through some of the lies that I was believing and replace them with God’s truth.
She helped me reclaim some of the disciplines and practices that had been a normal, everyday behavior for me in the past. She took me through a process to remove some residual trauma I experienced after my husband's death and other things that had occurred since then.

With Helen’s help, I’ve embraced the more mystical side of my relationship with the Lord again. Now I am not afraid to hope that the “more” of God I’ve always desired is within my reach because it is His desire. I feel revived — like I’ve come out of a long coma!

If you are struggling with feeling "stuck,” discouraged, or even bored with your spiritual walk; I highly recommend working with Helen. She depends highly on Holy Spirit’s guidance and counsel; as a result, He uses her to bring enlightenment and wisdom. I am looking forward to continuing my coaching experience with Coach Helen!"

Jason Hutapea

Coach Mark has made me view the world differently! Allow me to explain. Before working with him, I didn't have a lot of professional direction and development. I felt stuck and like I didn't have the needed advice and opinions of someone who had been through the same things.

Coach Mark helped me work through a turbulent time in my life with being let go from a job that I thought I was going to do forever and helped me find meaning in why things happen as they do. His coaching techniques and faith principles helped me develop a better business and personal mindset.

Today, I own my own successful business where I help out real estate professionals, lawyers, etc., with their social media content. I am grateful for Coach Mark; his coaching has helped me with the daily challenges I face in business and life.

If you face self-doubt issues or are going through a turbulent time in your life where you need someone to help you point your ship in the right direction,

I highly recommend Coach Mark!


Donna Brown


"Before working with Coach Helen, I was depressed and didn’t know what my purpose in life was. I battled a lot of anxiety and was fearful about many things. Fear of failure kept me from starting anything new although I desperately wanted to do something different with my life. I had never had a coach before and wasn’t sure a coach could help me because I was so hopeless and in deep despair that anything could change my life. I signed up with Coach Helen and went through her 90-Day Program and it was the best thing I could have ever done for myself! It transformed my life! I went from having little or no confidence in myself to feeling like I could accomplish anything! I learned to overcome past failures and negative thinking about myself. My self-worth increased exponentially, and she awakened dormant dreams, things I really wanted to do but never knew I could or would do them.

I was very sad when the 90 days ended. I've learned and grown so much from her and her program! I am stronger and able to overcome the challenges in my life rather than be beaten down by them. I have a new sense of peace and happiness and am no longer hopeless but hopeful as I move forward with a new sense of purpose!

If you need to change your life, Coach Helen is your answer! Her love for God, knowledge, and wisdom will lead you out of a place of darkness into the light. Her coaching will transform your life! I enjoyed working with Coach Helen so much that I plan to sign up for part two of her program."

Glenda Trip


Before working with Coach Helen, I struggled with fear and doubt and letting my emotions get the best of me. I battled negative thoughts and didn’t know my true identity or purpose. I needed a “faith make-over.” I deeply desired a fresh spiritual outpouring and a deeper connection with Jesus.

She helped me overcome negative emotions, fear, and doubt and assisted me in becoming more grounded in the Word of God. She walked beside me and helped me to allow God into my brokenness. I experienced freedom and healing in my relationships as she guided me through inner healing and deliverance.

Today, I am walking in greater peace and wholeness. Also, I continue to follow and apply the tools Coach Helen has given me. I have gained a deeper intimacy with Jesus.

If you feel lost, overwhelmed, and fearful, or you need to discover your true identity and desire to discover and walk in your unique God-given purpose, I highly recommend working with Coach Helen!

How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals

How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals

November 13, 20235 min read

What did Michael Jordan, Princess Diana, and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? They all used coaches. Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results!

Pursue a more focused level of intentional growth through our transformational coaching services. To learn more about how you or your team can benefit from our customized coaching solutions click here.So now you have the goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you are picturing. For instance, you might find that you need a certain amount of money to make your dream of travelling happen. 

In that case, you need to look at the options available to you to make that money. Or maybe you want to achieve a certain thing in your career and you realize that in order to get there, there is a certain amount of experience you need to acquire first. How can you acquire said experience? 

There are many similar examples of how you might go after a particular goal but the thing to remember in every case is that you need to focus on small steps that are just ahead of you. That might mean the next small promotion. It might mean a small upgrade to your home. It might mean developing any form of small income. 

With that in mind, you’re then going to break these smaller goals down even further. Now the objective is to look at the smallest possible steps that you need to take on a daily or weekly basis to get there. So if your goal is to have a body like Brad Pitt, then that smallest daily step is simple: diet and exercise. 

Look around, find a training plan and a diet that works for you, and then commit to sticking to that every single day without one flaw. Likewise, if your goal is to be a top novelist, then your daily goal is going to be to write X number of words per day. Make the goals easy to accomplish but ensure that they take positive – if small – steps in the right direction. 

This is the key target. This is the primary directive. You’re going to imagine that vision and let it motivate you when the times get rough. But you are going to forget anything other than the daily target. Right now, that is all that matters. 

To help you visualize this, here is what it basically boils down to: 

Dream/Vision (Overarching Goal) > Plan (Stepping Stone Goals) > Daily Target (Daily/ Weekly Goal) 

Changing Your Thinking 

So why is this change in thinking so important? The answer is that focusing too much on a distant goal will make you too detached from what it is you’re trying to accomplish. 

For instance, if your only ‘goal’ is to become a novelist, then you lack any real structure or any plan. 

This is going to make it very hard for you to stick too. It’s all too easy for you to get lazy, to take shortcuts or even forget all about it. Even if your goal is more specific and time- sensitive – such as losing 15kg in 6 months – you are still too detached from it. Why? Because a) you might still think it’s okay to skip a workout or to cheat on your diet one day and then ‘put off’ the goal. 

By the time you have 1 month left and you’re still no lighter, you might give up. Or what if you stick to the plan as much as possible but you still don’t see the results you want? How disheartening is that? So instead, the goal is the target. You focus just on the one day. 

You either succeed or fail. It is entirely down to you. It’s entirely your responsibility and no excuses cut it. But if you keep focusing on the daily targets, you will find that the overarching vision takes care of itself. It’s like building a house brick by brick, or taking a journey step-by-step. 

Some Final Tips 

Just to help you stick to your path, consider a few pointers. 

One: keep your daily targets easy to accomplish. Introduce them slowly. Don’t be in a rush to get anywhere. It is better that you just start to enjoy exercise than letting yourself get burned out or put off. 

Two: keep track of the days you succeed and lose. Jerry Seinfeld uses this technique and calls it ‘the chain’. 

Every day he does what he sets out to do, he puts a big cross on his calendar. This is rewarding and addictive in and of itself and his desire to ‘not break the chain’ is reportedly enough to keep him from giving up. 

Three: use the most practical and proven methods to get where you want to be. You must believe in your plan. 

Why are we willing to go into work every day but not work on a plan we enjoy and that could make us richer? Simple: because when we go to work we definitely get paid. You need a similar plan. Something that will help you to definitely get where you need to be at least in your mind. 

And finally: don’t get disheartened if you miss one day. The aim is not to of course. But if you slip up, go easy on yourself and just jump straight back on that horse!

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